Technology Lutronic-Solari-IPL


Our practices offers the Solari™ IPL Skin Rejuvenation System, which is differentiated from all others by its cutting-edge technology that ensures precise treatment and minimizes side effects. (Solari™, Lutronic)

The use of IPL is primarily associated with hair removal, but there are other benefits to this treatment, including the rejuvenation of the skin. A Solari™ IPL Skin Rejuvenation treatment can give you glowing, clear skin.

Solari™ uses square pulsed light, which ensures even distribution due to its square pulses. This is an advancement in IPL Skin Rejuvenation technology. Other dated devices generally produce an uneven beam distribution. The uneven distribution of light creates a ‘hotspot.’ Using square pulsed light, our technicians can ensure a more stable current, thus minimising adverse effects. Additionally, the Solari™ IPL treatment includes a cooling system that improves the comfort of the skin.


1. Who is a suitable candidate?

Almost anyone with sun-damaged skin (photoageing) will benefit from IPL treatment.

2. Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime with Solari treatment. You can get back to any daily activity immediately following the procedure.

3. How many treatments will you need?

Several treatments would typically be required to achieve the best possible outcome. We often incorporate IPL treatment into part of an overall treatment program involving multiple treatment modalities such as laser treatment and other energy-based devices.

The use of medical grade skin care and daily sun protection are essential companions in achieving the best possible skin outcomes and of course are vital in maintaining results.

4. What you can benefit from the SOLARI™ IPL system?
  • Rejuvenate the skin
  • Repair sun damage
  • Improve age spots and freckles
  • Repair broken capillaries, vascular lesions and rosacea
  • Acne (Treament of Inflammatory Acne)
  • Hair Removal