Technology BTL-Emsella

BTL Emsella

BTL Emsella, also known as the “Kegel Throne”, stimulates deep pelvic floor muscle spasms, also known as super maximal contractions, with high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy. As a result of repetitive stimulation, pelvic floor muscles and bladder are regained, improving stress urinary incontinence severity.

The Emsella treatment is a non-invasive, fully clothed, pain-free method that has been approved by the FDA and TGA.



Ultrasound images of pelvic floor showing changes in muscle mass and muscle tone after the EMSELLA treatment.

Results and patient experience may vary.


1. How does the EMSELLA procedure benefit patients?

Firstly, BTL EMSELLA helps patients to restore the control of their bladder, pelvic floor muscles and eliminate incontinence or any kind of intimate discomfort. Secondly, BTL EMSELLA is a non-invasive procedure where patients remain fully clothed.

2. Is EMSELLA safe?

BTL EMSELLA is FDA cleared, TGA approved, medical CE-marked, and represents the first innovative technology that has shown in multiple studies to treat incontinence and intimate discomfort. When you come in for a consultation, the doctor will cover how BTL EMSELLA works and discuss the unique safety profile in detail.

3. Is EMSELLA painful?

Patients say it is completely painless, the procedure feels like an intense pelvic floor workout. Some patients report the sensation as unusual, but not painful. You can sit on BTL EMSELLA and relax during the treatment.

4. Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime with BTL EMSELLA. You can get back to any daily activity immediately following the procedure.

5. Does EMSELLA treat prolapse?

No, Emsella does not specifically treat vaginal prolapse.

6. How many treatments do you need for EMSELLA?

We recommend a series of six treatments, twice a week for three weeks, for optimal results.